Saturday, September 3, 2011

Learning from the Sword

I know it sounds cliché,  but it's true that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. But stronger doesn't necessarily mean better. It just means, well, stronger. Some come out bitter after overcoming obstacles. Others end up being completely different people. Others get traumatized -- yes they survive but they lose their spirit in the process. That's not God's intention for us.

God allows us to go through trials because He wants us to build character. And our only model for character is Jesus. Just as the apostle Paul described in his letter to the Romans:

Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us. (Romans 5:3-5, NIV)
Perseverance, as defined by the dictionary, means steady persistence in a course of action or a purpose especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement. Perseverance builds character.

The best illustration of building character through perseverance is through a sword. Before it becomes a sword, metal go through a heating and cooling process. Imagine going inside a man sized oven then going out into the snow then back to the oven again. And with the heating and cooling, the metal is also hammered to form its shape. Imagine what torture it goes through.

After that, the metal is sharpened. Its edges are ground until it reaches the desired sharpness. This grinding method is again torture to the sword but the friction is what makes it sharp.

And finally, the swordsmith would decorate, craft and assemble the final product. And before it goes out of the shop, the swordsmith polishes it like crazy. And the only time he is satisfied with his work is when the sword is shiny enough for him to see his own reflection.

Exactly what God wants from us. To persevere through the hardships, continue reading and trusting His Word, constantly communicate with Him and come out with a character more like Jesus. Character produces hope to keep us alert for whatever God will do next (Romans 5:4b, The Message). 

And in the sword's case, it's the battlefield.

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